Voter Registration

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Voter Registration Resources

Check Your Voter Registration

Cancel Your Voter Registration

Notification of Deceased Voter

Voter Registration Drive Guide Flyer

College Student Voter Registration FAQs

College Student Addresses Guide

Student Election Guide

Pocket Guide - English

Pocket Guide - Spanish

Pocket Guide- Printing Instructions

  • Complete a voter registration form. [en espanol]
  • Print and sign the form. Electronic signatures are NOT acceptable.
  • Sign the form (ink to paper). Electronic signatures are NOT acceptable.
  • Once finished, mail the form to our office:
    Forsyth County Board of Elections
    201 N Chestnut Street
    Winston Salem, NC 27101
  • The form may also be dropped off in person to the same address Monday-Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.

The deadline to register to vote in North Carolina is 25 days before the date of an election. The registration must be received or postmarked by the voter registration deadline in order to be considered timely. Persons who register at the DMV or other agencies will be considered registered as of the date the application is given to the agency.

If you are submitting a voter registration form for a new registration or a change of party affiliation, the county board of elections must receive the form with your original signature within 20 days of the voter registration deadline for an election.

College students in North Carolina may register to vote in their school’s county instead of their home county if they do not have a “clear intent to return” to their original address after graduation. Alternatively, they may maintain their registration in their home county and vote there with an absentee ballot.