Funding Eligibility

The JCPC annually reviews the needs of juveniles in the County who are at risk of delinquency and/or who have been adjudicated by the court. Simultaneously, the Council surveys the resources available to address those needs, and prioritizes community risk factors for youth for families, and for the community, and determines the services needed to address those problem areas.

The grant cycle begins when the Council advertises the availability of funding and solicits requests from service providers in a Request for Proposals (RFP). Thereafter, agencies submit applications for the specific need to be addressed and make presentations to the Council at a scheduled JCPC meeting. After hearing all presentations, the Council devises its funding recommendations, which it then submits to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration during budget deliberations, with a determination made in the adopted budget by the end of June of the prior fiscal year.

The Forsyth County JCPC Monitoring Committee evaluates funded programs bi-annually through program site visits. The committee presents findings from the monitoring visits to the full JCPC Council.

JCPC meetings are held bi-monthly and are open to the public. For a complete list of upcoming meetings, click here.

For additional information on the Forsyth County JCPC, please contact:

Iesha Carter - JCPC Administrator
Forsyth County Budget Analyst
Office: (336) 703-2686

Address: 201 North Chestnut St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101

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